All messages previously posted on the COVID-19 Update Center will be archived here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information
January 20, 2022
Dear Community,
As we begin the spring 2022 semester, we find ourselves still facing the challenges of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant. While the Wyandotte County Health Department has lifted the mask mandate, we encourage you to make a personal decision about masking while on campus.
To decrease the spread of COVID-19 on campus, I ask that you follow CDC guidelines and complete the COVID-19 Incident Report Form so we can accurately track cases on campus. Read more from the CDC website here.
Stay safe Dragons!
Lisa Stoothoff
December 20, 2021
Dear Community,
The Unified Government voted last week to rescind the mask mandate for Wyandotte County:
While the Health Department still recommends wearing a mask for your own safety, it is your own personal choice to mask or unmask while inside Donnelly facilities. More updates on the Omicron variant coming soon.
Thank you,
Lisa Stoothoff, Dean of the College
November 19, 2021
Dear Community,
Last night the Unified Government in Wyandotte County extended the mask mandate through January 6, 2022. As always, Donnelly College will follow these guidelines. See below for more information from the KC Star.
Go Dragons!
Msgr. Stuart Swetland
September 10, 2021
Dear Community,
The mask mandate related to COVID 19 has updated in Wyandotte County. In light of this development, effective immediately, you are required to wear a mask indoors while on campus . This step is being taken to protect the health and well-being of all those in our community.
As mask mandates are being decided for our county, we will revise our policies to stay in compliance with health guidelines.
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Donnelly College.
Msgr. Stuart Swetland
March 24, 2021
Hard to believe, but we are already past the halfway point of the spring semester. Lots of work yet to do, but today I would like to look forward a bit and share our plans for the summer and fall.
Some of our faculty and staff are already vaccinated, while others are working on securing their appointments. As of March 22, 1,018,146 does have been administered in Kansas. This includes first and second doses, so we are well on our way to a healthier Kansas!
Based off these encouraging trends, we are now planning for a “back to normal” fall semester. This includes full class sizes, student organization activities and events, and other related in-person functions and activities. This transition will get underway starting this summer as we keep an eye on our vaccination availability and progress, which will inevitably allow us to open more activities as warranted. Already, we are allowing events on campus, following safety protocols.
While things may never be the same as they were before, we expect to achieve some level of normalcy, including classrooms and workplaces at their usual capacity. Our quad should be complete and ready to use by mid-June and we are making plans to maximize that space as well.
For now, we will maintain mask use and social distancing protocols, and anticipate doing so through summer classes. Registration for fall semester is now open, so please meet with your Advisors to enroll in our exciting fall academic course offerings.
Lisa Stoothoff, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/Dean of the College
Office 224
July 23, 2020
COVID-19 Alert System for Fall 2020
Donnelly College plans to return to in-person instruction on campus beginning in the fall 2020 term. The term will start on August 31, 2020.
When students, staff, faculty and visitors enter campus buildings, there will be a posted level of alert at the entrance to inform of the precautions one must observe while on campus.
You can review the levels of alert here.
January 25, 2021
I want to welcome all new and returning students back for the spring 2021 semester.
All classes will be held face-to-face (unless noted as online classes) with the utmost safety precautions in place. Face masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizing are expected of all students, faculty, and staff while you are on campus. We are starting our semester on Green Alert level-No active COVID cases on campus!!!
You will notice many changes on campus since you were last here in November:
· The demolition of our former academic building is almost complete, making way for an abundance of green space. The view of Marian Hall and the Event Center is stunning! Please obey all parking signs when you are on campus as there are still active construction vehicles coming and going. The safest place to park is still the parking garage located on Barnett Street.
· Terrace furniture has been placed on both the 1st and 2nd floors for outdoor seating and social distancing.
· Our Spirit Store display case has been completed and showcases spirit wear for purchase.
· Signage for our Academic Resource Center (2nd floor) has been ordered and is on its way.
· We are under discussions to open the game room (located near the Bistro) in a safe manner.
· All students are asked to enter the main doors of the building with your Student ID swipe card. Our side entrance is reserved for visitors and vendors.
· We welcome a new cohort of LPN and RN students to campus this spring. Those programs are in Marian Hall.
· Intramural sports will begin in February, please contact Student Life for more information.
Faculty and staff have done an amazing job getting your course schedules ready for the spring, and we welcome new teaching staff to campus. Our Common Read Committee is busy preparing for Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha’ s virtual visit on March 2, 2021.
With so many more exciting events planned for this spring, I urge you to watch your email for the weekly Student Life publication. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns this semester.
Lisa Stoothoff, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/Dean of the College
Office 224
November 17, 2020
Temporary Change in the Modality of Instruction
Dear Community,
The current spread of COVID-19 in our community has reached such proportions that the Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas and Jackson County, Missouri have issued new health orders to help mitigate the spread of the virus:;
Although these orders do not mandate us to do so, out of an abundance of caution and in light of the resurgence of infections and hospitalizations in our communities, I have instructed Lisa Stoothoff, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/ Dean of the College, to order that all instruction (except nursing formation and nursing classes) begin remote classes from November 23, 2020 through December 11, 2020. Nursing students will receive separate communications concerning their classes.
Finals and Finals week will be in-person at Donnelly College December 14, 15, and 16, 2020.
All students are reminded and encouraged to register for next semester as soon as possible. All employees should consult with your directors and/or your respective Vice President for staffing instructions.
Donnelly College will be open for business purposes during regular business hours. Our Library will be open 830am-430pm on days of instruction during this period. The main Academic building will be open for study during regular hours. Our Tutoring Center and tutoring will remain open for in-person or remote tutoring. Our Campus Cupboard will continue regularly scheduled service to our community.
It is imperative that everyone continue their commitment to safe interactions whether on-campus or off as laid out in our COVID -19 Update Center and links (cf.
As we pray for an end to this pandemic and look forward to a return to more normal times for our College and communities, I am confident that our commitment to seek truth, build community and pursue excellence will continue to help all of us to fulfill our vocations and to serve one another and the common good.
Go Dragons!
Msgr. Stuart Swetland
November 12, 2020
Message from the Dean of the College
As we come to a close of week eleven of the semester, I am so proud of how you have persisted through mid-terms and are nearing the final stretch of the semester.
Our primary focus is to keep everyone safe and healthy during this pandemic. In full transparency, there has been an increase in requests to quarantine due to possible exposure to COVID-19. I am watching the numbers closely and will make a determination if, and when we need to go to remote learning. I ask that you all speak to your Instructors so you feel prepared to attend classes remotely and have the technology to do so. We have many resources available for students, please check with your Advisors, tutoring, and course Instructors. Our Tutoring is also available in distance format so you can still rely on that service, as well as our campus cupboard.
Please email me with any questions and concerns you may have regarding our safety protocol on campus
Lisa Stoothoff, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/Dean of the College
September 23, 2020
Message from the Dean of the College
We are now in our fourth week of school and I am so proud of all of you for wearing your face masks and keeping socially distant from one another.
I encourage you to be more aware of the sanitizing stations throughout our buildings and encourage you to use them when you enter and exit the building.
We have changed our alert level to blue as we have had one or more positive cases of COVID reported to us on our COVID-19 Incident Reporting form. The contact tracing process is being followed and Instructors and students are being notified if there is a need to quarantine.
We have increased our cleaning protocol and encourage you to wipe your work spaces down at the beginning and end of each class.
Most importantly, if you feel sick, stay home! Our Instructors will work with you to complete your assignments in a virtual format, allowing you to stay home and still complete your coursework.
On campus, we continue to offer student programming, in a slightly different and creative way. We have celebrated both Constitution Day and Hispanic Heritage Month and we look forward to our fall programming to continue in our new academic space. I have seen Lux, the Dragon at several events and I know he is following safety protocol also to keep safe while on campus.
Please reach out to your advising team, instructors, campus ministry, counseling, tutoring or anyone else that might help you achieve success in these early weeks of the semester.
August 11, 2020
COVID-19 Testing Availabe in Wyandotte County
Check here for the most up-to-date testing information available.
Please get tested if You have had any of the following symptoms within the past 48 hours:
Shortness of Breath
Muscle Aches
Runny Nose
Sore Throat
Loss of smell and taste
OR if you have been exposed to COVID-19 through:
Close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 (close contact means within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes)
Association with a known outbreak of COVID-19
Testing Locations:
UG Public Health Department
619 Ann Ave, KCK, 66101
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM
No appointment needed
Please bring an item to show that you live OR work in Wyandotte County, such as a piece of mail or a work badge. We do not require a government-issued ID, and we do not retain any copy or record of the item you show.
Sharon Lee Family Health Care
340 Southwest Blvd (7th & Southwest Blvd), KCK, 66103
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Call the COVID-19 phone line at 913-396-7070 (Monday - Saturday, 9 AM - Noon) to get a prescription number before coming to get tested.
Swope Health - Wyandotte
21 N 12th St, Suite 400, KCK, 66102
Call 816-923-5800 to schedule an appointment.
Monday - Friday, 9:30 AM - 4 PM
Walmart in KCK
10824 Parallel Pkwy, Kansas City, KS 66109
Monday / Wednesday / Friday, 7-9 AM
Set up an appointment at
Walmart in Bonner Springs
12801 Kansas Ave, Bonner Springs, KS 66012
Monday / Wednesday / Friday, 7-9 AM
Set up an appointment at
Select CVS Locations:
950 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas
3750 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas
By appointment only
Register online:
Heart to Heart International & University of Kansas Medical Center:
Testing for asymptomatic individuals and essential workers with inadequate access to testing
Part of a research study
Learn more and register at:
June 4, 2020
In-Person Classes to Resume August 31
Donnelly College plans to return to in-person instruction on campus beginning in the fall 2020 term. The term will start on August 31, 2020, two weeks later than previously planned. We are revising our courses to accommodate 50% capacity, implementing technology to allow for remote learning and considering new policies and practices which will minimize the amount of students on campus at any one time.
We will continue to follow all CDC recommendations for safety on campus including temperature checks, increased sanitizing stations, social distance markings and the required use of face coverings and other protective equipment. Switching to remote learning this spring was a necessary step and has had positive results. But like any action so drastic, it has interrupted and postponed the educational processes so many of our first-generation college students have relied on. In a student survey on distance learning administered in May 2020, 53% of Donnelly students prefer in-person learning.
COVID-19 will remain a fact of life with no vaccine in the near future. Donnelly College will take every safety measure it can to manage this health crisis to maximize the safety of all employees and students.
Welcome back Dragons!
May 13, 2020 (Updated July 21, 2020)
CARES Act Provides Grants for Students
In the last few weeks, Donnelly received news from the US Department of Education that we would receive a portion of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act totaling $294,832. No less than half of these funds ($147,416) will be distributed directly to students for living expenses and general support. The funds have been received and distribution of checks started the week of May 11 and are ongoing. 206 students are eligible under section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act and are allocated an initial $500 each. For those students not eligible under the CARES Act, Donnelly will use institutional funds to provide equivalent grants. We are working as fast as we can to make these funds available to those hit hardest by the crisis.
As of July 21, 2020 the school has distributed $111,400 to 176 students.
Students -- Please check your Donnelly email address for more information. If you have not filled out your grant request form, please do so as soon as possible. The funds must be used to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care. These grant funds are not taxable, and you do not have to repay this money. Please contact your Adviser for more information regarding these funds or contact Dr. Mary Pflanz with questions.
May 13, 2020
Fall 2020 On Campus - A Note From Lisa Stoothoff, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
As we complete the Spring 2020 semester, I want to congratulate all of you on persevering in this time of uncertainty.
While we are starting to hear news of the virus peaking in some areas, we must continue to listen to local authorities and medical professionals before we can return to our normal operating capacity. Our current target is to be fully open in the fall, with face-to-face classes being offered. We have begun contingency planning and have options if a safe return to campus is not feasible for all.
I encourage you to keep in contact over the summer and we will reach out with updates as often as they are available.
Looking forward to your safe return to campus.
April 23, 2020
Virtual Information Session for Prospective Students
Prospective students that are unable to visit campus for an in-person campus visit or information session can now view our Virtual Information Session at their convenience.
April 20, 2020
Statement Concerning Construction Crew Cases of COVID-19
The Donnelly College community is saddened to hear that some crew members who have worked at the construction site of Donnelly’s new academic building have tested positive for COVID-19. The safety of all crew members on-site is of the upmost concern to both Donnelly College and Excel Constructors, lead contractor for the project. Excel Constructors has initiated a thorough 3-day cleaning and disinfecting period that ended on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 7:00am. In addition, Excel Constructors has implemented numerous safety measures for the site including:
1. A sign in sheet to be posted for ALL personnel on site – Each person is screened for any COVID-19 symptoms (fever (greater than 100.4 F or 38.0 C) OR symptoms of lower respiratory illness such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or sore throat) daily.
2. All individuals on site will be required to wear PPE, including but not limited to a protective mask. Any individual without a mask will be asked to leave the jobsite.
3. Social distancing of six (6) feet shall always be practiced where possible. Groups working in the same confined space shall be limited to six (6) or less.
4. Excel Constructors personnel are disinfecting the hard surfaces on the jobsite at a minimum of 3 times a day.
Donnelly College and Excel Constructors are in regular communication with local and state health care officials and are following their advice and counsel regarding our building project.
Donnelly College is currently in phase III of construction to complete campus master plan improvements which includes the construction of three-story, 72,000 sq. ft. academic building will include state-of-the-art learning environments, updated technology, centralized student support services, academic resource center and a 60-seat chapel. This new building is slated to be complete by August 2020, with the first class of students starting in the space that same month. Per order of the Governor, Donnelly College along with all other institutions of higher education are considered essential services.
Donnelly College is pleased to announce that we have had no known cases of COVID 19 infection among our faculty, staff, or Board. Students were last on campus for classes on Friday, March 13 prior to Spring Break. Since that date, all classes have been moved to a distance learning mode of instruction, and only essential staff are onsite. All campus updates and operational changes due to COVID-19 are posted on this page.
April 15, 2020
The United Way of Wyandotte County has prepared a resource list for areas resources including health care, food pantries, employment services and agencies offering other assistance.
Resources in English
Resources in Spanish
You can always call 211 from any phone to reach United Way if you need additional information. Students, remember you can still make an appointment for a tele-health appointment with the Counseling Center via the Donnelly website.
March 27, 2020
As the COVID-19 virus continues to impact society, the following changes have been implemented at Donnelly College for current and prospective students:
CURRENT Students
• Spring 2020 semester coursework resumes March 30, 2020. All coursework will be completed online. Classes will not meet on campus for the remainder of the semester. Students – check for Donnelly College email often for communications from your faculty members.
• If you are having trouble accessing a computer or the internet you may use the computer lab on the third floor M-F from 11am-2pm starting March 30. Social distancing practices will be enforced.
• Commencement and Pinning Ceremony for Spring 2020 graduates has been postponed. A new date is in the process of being selected and will be communicated to students as soon as possible.
• Summer and Fall enrollment registration is now open online. You can contact your advisor by email to set up a virtual appointment.
• We are working on new hours for the Campus Cupboard and will provide curbside service to comply with social distancing rules. New service/hours will be posted on the main webpage and social media when available.
• We will continue to offer peer tutoring by phone, email or possibly video conferencing. Email Yvonne Telep, for more information or to schedule a session.
• Remote library references are available on JSTOR (OneLogin) on our website. Email Tyler Johnson, Academic Librarian, for more information
• We are working on remote counseling sessions in the form of video conference and phone calls. Please email Susan Lechliter, Counselor for more information.
• Payment Plans – All current payment plans will be extended. Check your DC student email for details. If you have questions about your account, please feel free to contact Alejandra Valles at or (913)-621-8768.
• Student Activities – Stay tuned for information on planned students activities including Student Senate elections, a virtual Career Fair, Dime and more.
• Prayer services and religious resources will also be available to you. Archbishop Naumann is live-streaming Mass every day at 8:30am on his Facebook page at the following: You may also email Fr. John Melnick, VP of Campus Ministry for more information.
NEW Students for Summer or Fall
• We are excited you are considering Donnelly College and that you are not allowing this outbreak to postpone your plans for a higher education. Our admissions office and other student services are not available for in-person visits, but they are available for phone, email and video appointments.
• Admissions applications are free and available online here - An Admissions Counselor will reach out to you after you submit your application, so make sure you provide us with a phone number and email address that is best for you to be reached at. If you are not ready to apply, and instead have some questions, email and a Counselor will reach out to you.
• Financial Aid is also still up and running. Check out our scholarship opportunities here -
• Testing, Transcripts, Advising, Orientations are also still all currently operating. After being accepted, your Admissions Counselor will walk you through the process so no need to worry.
March 15, 2020
Spring Break Extension and Courses Online
The safety, health and total well-being of our students, faculty and staff are of vital concern for us at Donnelly College.
Spring Break for all students has been extended until March 29, 2020 (unless notified differently by your instructors).
Starting March 30, 2020, all classes (unless notified differently by your instructors) will be delivered remotely by online instruction at least until April 13, 2020.
Faculty and staff will take the week of March 23rd to fully prepare for this shift in instruction modality.
All students will be receiving further details and instructions in the coming days through their Donnelly-issued email address. Please be attentive to these announcements.
Please be assured of my prayers for you and everyone associated with Donnelly College and I ask for your prayers in return.
Monsignor Swetland
March 12, 2020
COVID-19 Response Update
Donnelly College is closely monitoring the government response to coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) and we are prepared to respond to this situation with safety, prevention and remote options. While the current risk in our immediate area is low, the situation is changing rapidly and we will make decisions in a timely manner as the health and safety of our Donnelly College family and the greater Kansas City community are of foremost concern.
We are consulting with the Kansas Independent College Association and monitoring actions taken by other institutions of higher education. Faculty are preparing their courses in distance-learning formats so there is no disruption in the learning process should remote options need to be employed. We have also added research databases to our OneLogin system so research may still be conducted from remote locations.
Thank you to our custodial crew and maintenance staff for incorporating extra efforts to clean our buildings. To help ensure the greatest level of protection keep the following in mind:
• Cover your coughs and sneezes - Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
• Clean your hands often - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60 to 95% alcohol, covering all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid sharing personal household items - You should not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, or eating utensils with other people.
• Clean all “high-touch” surfaces everyday - High touch surfaces include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables. We currently do this at all of our buildings and have increased our efforts to keep our buildings clean. Adhering to these measures at home will reduce the possibility of spreading the flu.
• If you or a family member is sick (fever, vomiting, etc.), please stay at home and monitor symptoms - seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening (e.g., difficulty breathing).
Students -- Donnelly College will keep you updated on possible changes to your spring 2020 semester classes. We are on spring break from March 16-20 so there are no immediate changes, however, we will send out communication (email, text blast and website announcements) on Friday, March 20, to update you on the situation.
Enjoy your spring break and stay safe!
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