Grants Administrator
Is this a career for you?
Grant writers research, draft, and submit proposals that help organizations or individuals receive grant funding.
To be eligible for funding, an organization or individual must have an objective that aligns with a grant’s specifications. Many grant writers, like Shelia, work for nonprofit or charitable organizations. Others are self-employed and take on projects from a variety of sources, such as museums and schools.
No matter whom they work for, most of these writers research grants, write proposals, and have other tasks.

Grant writers usually have a range of skills, a college degree, and other training or experience.
Research and writing skills are essential for grant writers. Research helps writers find grant opportunities. Good writing expresses ideas clearly and succinctly, with creativity and persuasiveness helping a proposal stand out.
Interpersonal skills are important, too, because grant writers interact with clients, colleagues, and donors to gather and relay information.
Grant writers also need to be detail oriented and have multitasking and organizational skills. These skills allow them to juggle multiple grant applications and adhere to each grant’s guidelines and deadlines.